God, give me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
How often do we fret about things we have no control over, over things we cannot change? Too much of our energy and spirit are wasted away on the things we have no influence over instead of the things we can actually influence.
My mom's health has seriously diminished in the last few years. Every aspect of her life has been affected including the kind of grandparent she can be. Sometimes I feel so terribly sad because it feels like a real loss, something I mourn, which is okay I guess because those emotions are part of life. But I can't spend too much time wishing for something different because I know I cannot change things. Instead I focus on what I can influence, which is my relationship with her. I can change my reaction, the way I help her, and my mindset...and that's it. I can't heal her.
Another example is today. My child was bullied (attacked) on the bus by some older kids. One kid held his arms while the other one punched him. He came off the bus in tears. I cannot change the fact that kids sometimes pick on the little ones - no use wishing that wasn't the case. But I can demand action from the bus company and the school to make sure it is investigated and dealt with and not shrugged off. I can learn about the procedures and rules on the bus set up to prevent this kind of harassment. I can reinforce to my child that he has the right to kick and scream and yell if someone is hurting him. And I can decide if I want to remove him from the bus completely but I don't feel the school has addressed the situation appropriately. But I cannot change the nature of children.
Hopefully in this situation, like so many others I face on a daily basis, I will be more effective because I will focus my energy on the things I can change or influence, and I will avoid spinning my wheels on what I cannot.
God, please give me wisdom.
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