Saturday, December 22, 2007

18. Give yourself 12 months to evaluate a potential partner's character

I think it's a good idea to spend a full year with your boyfriend or girlfriend before deciding on marriage. A full year gives you time to see more clearly through the lusty fog of your initial chemistry. Twelve months allows you to see your sweetheart in a wide variety of conditions too: you being sick and vice versa, during high stress family holidays, possibly during a vacation. Lots of folks can be adoring, polite and attentive during the first few months of dating...but only time will tell how your pumpkin acts when the high heat of infatuation starts to simmer into something more long lasting.

I think it makes sense to explore the real depths of someone's character and virtues which takes time. What's the rush anyway? Isn't such a momentous decision worth making armed with lots of good insight and a clear conscience?

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