Sunday, January 13, 2008

40. Be open to life.

40. 40. 40. I made it. This is my last post, which means tomorrow is my 40th birthday. YEAH!

Despite this list of what feels like a zillion things I claim to know for sure, thankfully, most of life is a beautiful mystery. A wonderful, unpredictable, zany mystery. And I want to be open to all that life has to offer. I want to embrace the unknown with hopeful anticipation, and great expectations.

I like new challenges, new places and new faces. I am energized by getting outside my comfort zone, by learning something new, heading for left field.

That hasn't always been the case. As a young person, I was often fearful of exciting paths that unfolded in front of me. I loved my French classes but I abandoned that college major because I was too scared to live in France for a year to master the language. I relished acting as a teenager but rejected that career because I couldn't envision a life with eccentrics behind the stage. I wouldn't change any of those choices for the world, but I see how fear played into my decisions.

There are some gifts of aging - tons of them actually. And this is one of my favorites. I am no longer fearful of the unknown (well most of it anyway.) I am open to where ever this life takes me!

1 comment:

Jazzme06 said...

Happy belated birthday my fellow Capricorn! I must say I am very impressed with this blog in it's entirety!! I am a single mother of two, and I tend to look for literature on impowerment and motivation....if your blog required a rating I would give a 100!! Great job. You should look into writing a book.