Thursday, December 27, 2007

23. I want to be a vaccine for my daughter's self esteem

I heard author/feminist Naomi Wolf postulate that the best vaccine to guard against a daughter's low self esteem is to have a mother with high self esteem. That made total sense to me.

I suffered from an average dose of self doubt and self loathing as a teenager but climbed out of that negative trap somewhere along in my 20's. Thank God. And now as a parent of a daughter, I am very concerned about how to raise Lily so that she won't fixate on her flaws, her figure, and her imperfections (like the media does) but rises above that nonsense. According to Ms.Wolf my high self esteem will help. I am glad to have a leg up because our culture will make this an uphill battle.

My daughter does not hear me complain about my womanly figure. She does not hear me bemoan my age. She does not see me dress provocatively to get attention. Nope! Instead Lily lives with a woman who feels comfortable in her body (flaws and all) and knows that her self worth is deeper than physical attributes. She lives with a woman who is willing to try new things, meet new people, stand up for herself, and accept challenges. Naomi Wolf, I sure hope your right.

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