Monday, December 31, 2007

27. In bad times, I like to ask "what is the lesson?"

When my world seems out of sorts, when the road is swervy and nauseating, I try to ask myself "what is the lesson I need to learn from this?" Actually, I ponder this on a frequent basis, not just when things are run off in the ditch.

This contemplation helps center me and get me into a more open mindset. If I can think about the spiritual lesson available to me, I can begin to focus less on the trivial and more on the profound.

It also helps me concentrate on the only thing I have control over - ME. I want to learn from the situations I am faced with and I want to think about if I could do something differently next time. So I ask myself - What can I learn from this? How could I do this better? What role did I play in all of this? How did I contribute to this situation?

Sometimes there are no answers. Sometimes I can't see clearly until the crisis has past. But asking and looking inward helps keep me afloat.

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