Wednesday, December 26, 2007

22. Anger is a manifestation of fear, disappointment or frustration.

This point kept coming up several seasons ago on the Oprah show.

"Anger is a manfestation of fear, disappointment or frustration."

I think about this when I get angry. The kind of angry where I want to scream, hit and throw things. (Yes, I do get that pissed!) I ask myself - Is this anger about frustration? or fear? or disappointment?

It helps me think more clearly about what I am honestly reacting to. I can usually pretty quickly come up with which of the three is at the heart of the issue. It doesn't solve anything but it helps me deal with reality instead of steam and fumes.

I believe that we will all have fear in our lives, and disappointments too, and lots of frustrations. These are part of the human experience; we can't avoid them (completely). And it helps me get past anger when I can see more clearly the emotion at the heart of the issue.

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